Summer trainee program 2011

In July and August 2011 Geotechmin OOD carried out a paid trainee program as part of its strategy for supporting the professional development of young people in Bulgaria.
Geotechmin accepted 18 trainees in company departments HR, EHS, Construction, IT, Operational activities, Public Relations and Legal and International Affairs.
Participation in the trainee program has provided the students with opportunities for accumulation of practical experience in real work environment, for skill development and building of work habits, for identification of one’s own capabilities and potential for future career development, and for acquaintance with the corporate culture and the working atmosphere in the office.
The trainees who successfully completed the program received special certificates at an official ceremony. Those with the highest results were enlisted in the database of potential job candidates. They will have a chance to be invited to start permanent work or participate in various company projects.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.