Students enrolled in dual education programmes hone their skills in trial internship

Students attending dual vocational education at Zlatitsa Vocational High School in the town of Zlatitsa and Todor Peev Vocational High School in the town of Etropole undertook trial internships at the Flotation and Mine Complexes of Ellatzite-Med AD. The adolescents from Zlatitsa Vocational High School are specializing in Automotive Transport Equipment, Electrical Fitting of Production Processes and Welding Machines and Equipment, and the students from Todor Peev Vocational High School are being trained in the specialties Road Construction Equipment and Electrical Installations. The trial internships were conducted under a partnership agreement signed between the schools and the companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP – Ellatzite-Med, Geostroy and Geotrading.
Senior managers and representatives of the three companies presented GEOTECHMIN GROUP’s cause aimed at supporting young people to develop key skills for a profession and providing them with full-time job opportunities after finishing high school. In the course of their trial internships, the teenagers learned interesting facts about copper ore extraction and beneficiation. Furthermore, they became familiar with various types of mining and flotation machines and their maintenance. At the end of the training session, the students lively discussed what they had learned. Some of them said they would follow the path of their parents and grandparents who worked or had worked in the copper mining company. Other students wanted to become haul truck and dump truck operators or to be able to repair and install new engines in such trucks during their regular apprenticeship which will take place in Ellatzite-Med’s Mine Complex near the town of Etropole, in Geotrading’s ProAuto Service Centre in the town of Etropole, and in Geostroy’s Service & Repair Centre in the Flotation Complex near Mirkovo village.
The students are also attracted by the opportunity to become full-time employees of Ellatzite-Med, Geostroy and Geotrading, considering that these companies, as part of GEOTECHMIN GROUP, have established an excellent reputation of responsible employers in Etropole Municipality and Srednogorie region.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.