Our Green Tomorrow beautifies Etropole and Srednogorie by planting more than 2,100 trees and shrubs
In the village of Chelopech, fifth-grade students from Ss Cyril and Methodius Primary School planted 36 fruit trees with the help of their teachers and donors from GEOTECHMIN GROUP. The event took place on a specially selected site provided by the municipality to get children involved in planting and looking after the young fruit trees and the future orchard.
In the central town’s garden of Pirdop, students and teachers from Todor Vlaykov Primary School and Savo Savov Secondary School planted plane trees, lindens and ash-trees. High school students planted four plane trees, two fir-trees and a spruce to beautify their schoolyard. Municipal officials planted various coniferous and deciduous species in the town’s park and outdoor spaces in the residential neighborhoods. As a result of this initiative, 70 new saplings and 200 shrubs were successfully planted.
240 new trees were planted in various places in the town of Zlatitsa. The campaign under Our Green Tomorrow initiative was launched on Peshterata Square by planting 10 saplings of Liquidambar ˗ a deciduous tree which may live to 400 years. Furthermore, a wide variety of new trees were planted on Topolnitsa Street, the outdoor spaces between apartment blocks in the town centre, and Georgi Zlatanov Street.
In the town of Etropole, students from Hristo Yasenov Secondary School, Hristo Botev Primary School and Todor Peev Vocational High School together with their teachers and supported by the municipality and the donor companies planted 80 fruit trees and 48 decorative saplings. The tree planting activities started in Memorial Park and continued simultaneously in 10 areas across the town. At the end of the day, the municipality was beautified with more than 200 saplings and shrubs – apples, plums, pears, cherries, junk, emerald green thuja, ash trees, and maples. The students took the pledge to take care of the planted saplings.