My Garden Online Competition 2022

210 kids of GEOTECHMIN GROUP’s employees participated in My Garden Competition organized by Geotechmin OOD. This year it is aimed at encouraging children to plant basil and red geranium and care for them, showing with pictures and videos how the seeds come to life. The initiative is part of the Group’s corporate social responsibility practices.
All children aged between 1 and 18 years were eligible to participate in the contest. They were divided into three age groups: 1–6 years old, 7–10 years old, and 11–18 years old. The jury of My Garden Competition was the famous TV journalist Galya Shtarbeva – an author and presenter of the TV documentary series “Catching the Forest”. She rated the submitted photos and videos in four categories. Creative Presentation – the most interesting ways of presenting the growth cycle were evaluated here. Step by Step – for children’s photos and videos depicting the different stages of growth in the life of their plant. My Garden – this category evaluated the location of the basil or red geranium pots – among other plants in the front garden or hanging at the front door of the house, etc. Informedness – this category rated children’s knowledge and efforts to learn interesting facts about the plants and tell them in an amusing way.
‘Congratulations on your great work! As a journalist, I found some interesting ideas and ways of presenting a story with video recording and video frames,’ said Galya Shtarbeva and added, ‘I would like to praise all of you for this step, which is probably not the first one for many of you – to plant a seed and watch firsthand how it grows. I hope that in this way you have planted the seed of love for nature deep inside your heart, considering carefully what you put on the table. Each of us can grow some fresh food rather than buy it from big supermarkets, put it on the table and be charged with positive energy which we need so much in this modern world.’
She took part in the two online events announcing the first, second, and third place winners and the recepients of incentive awards. The children, who did not gain prizes, received gifts – a DIY Pizza Party Planter Kit.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.