More than 150 Etropole citizens have visited Ellatzite-Med Park Museum

More than 150 citizens of the town of Etropole, including 105 children, visited the park museum of Ellatzite Mine Complex during the Open Doors Day organised by the Miner’s Club at Ellatzite-Med, Etropole.
The event was celebrating the Miner’s Day – the professional holiday of all mining industry workers and specialists. It aimed to spark children’s interest in mining and help their parents take a closer look at the site-specific mining operations performed in the complex
The guests had the unique opportunity to touch the mining equipment which had operated years ago and the youngsters were very impressed by the size of the exhibited mining machines. A short film was projected about the main activities performed by Ellatzite-Med, part of GEOTECHMIN GROUP, and the huge changes that have taken place over the years. The guests were introduced to the company’s digital transformation, continuous process optimization, innovation, environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility.
The event ended with taking plenty of memorable photos and the guests had the chance to take specially prepared rock samples from Ellatzite deposit.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.