Modernisation of Plovdiv-Krumovo and Plovdiv-Skutare railway sections commences

Construction works for the modernisation of Plovdiv – Krumovo and Plovdiv – Skutare railway sections, part of the project Development of Plovdiv Railway Junction, have started with a first sod ceremony at Trakia Railway Station in the town of Plovdiv. The official event was attended by Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Bozhidar Kostadinov, the Director General of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) Zlatin Krumov, the Regional Governor of Plovdiv Yordan Ivanov, the Mayor of Trakia District Kostadin Dimitrov and M.Eng. Tsvetoslav Petkov representing Geostroy Lantania Consortium.

The general contractor of the modernisation works is Geostroy – Lantania Consortium comprising one of Bulgaria’s leading construction companies Geostroy AD, part of Geotechmin OOD, and the Spanish company Lantania SA. ‘This is a project of strategic significance for Bulgaria and its railway infrastructure. Despite the difficult times so far, I hope we will build a strong team together with the employer, designer, construction supervisor, builders, partners, equipment suppliers and in three years’ time we will all meet again in this place, celebrating the successful completion of this project,’ said M.Eng. Tsvetoslav Petkov, a representative of the consortium and Chief Engineer at Geostroy AD, during the official groundbreaking ceremony.
According to Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Bozhidar Kostadinov, the railway infrastructure and rolling stock are among the top priority development goals for the sector.
Plovdiv Railway Junction is one of the most important railway connections in Bulgaria. It is the intersection of some of the trans-European and major national transport axes. The successful implementation of this project will contribute to the modernisation of the existing railway infrastructure in compliance with EU standards and European transport policies and will increase its capacity to meet the growing demand for transport of goods and passengers. The upgraded track will cater for increasing the train speeds according to European requirements and improving railroad safety performance. ‘The modernisation of Plovdiv Railway Junction is a high priority for the company and will be of great economic significance. By implementing this project, the NRIC will be able to connect the railway line to Burgas and allow trains to run at 160 km/h reliably and sustainably,’ said NRIC Director General M.Eng. Zlatin Krumov.
Обект The project Modernisation of the Rail Track, Overhead Catenary, Signalling and Telecommunication Systems in Plovdiv-Krumovo and Plovdiv-Skutare Railway Sections, including the railway stations Plovdiv Marshalling Yard, Krumovo, Skutare and Trakia Inspection Point is part of the project Development of Plovdiv Railway Junction and is co-financed under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).


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