Internship programes 2015 in Geotechmin Group

Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD participated in the 16-th annual forum “National Career Days”, which was held on 10-11 March 2015 at the National Palace of Culture, Sofia. More than 120 companies presented their internship programmes this year. These programmes evoked keen interest among young people and representatives of career centres.
By participating in this career event, the companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP have launched their intern recruitment campaign. In 2015 they announced 74 trainee positions, 48 of them – for Ellatzite-Med, 5 – for Geotechmin and 21 – for other companies in the Group.
Internships give opportunities for young people’s career orientation and professional realization. By providing workplaces and investing in the career development of young specialists, GEOTECHMIN companies have reaffirmed their commitment to fully implement the Group’s human resources management policy.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.