Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD announces a new student competition “The Magic of Production. Ore Mining – Knowledge and Future”

Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD have announced a new regional competition for students in 12 partner schools from the regions where the companies operate. The initiative has been held for the fifth consecutive year, and every year the themes and race categories are different. This year the theme of the competition is  THE MAGIC OF PRODUCTION. ORE MINING – KNOWLEDGE AND FUTURE.  The competition is part of the corporate social responsibility of the two companies and the initiatives dedicated to two milestone events: 44 years since the founding of Ellatzite Copper Mining and Processing Plant and 20 years since the company joined the GEOTECHMIN GROUP.
The competition is open to all students in grades 5 through 12 at the partner schools: Georgi Benkovski Primary School in the village of Mirkovo, Hristo Yasenov Secondary School, Hristo Botev Primary School and Todor Peev Vocational High School in the town of Etropole, St. Paisiy Hilendarski High School and Agro-Technical Vocational High School in the town of Zlatitsa, Ss Cyril and Methodius Primary School in the village of Chavdar, Ss Cyril and Methodius Primary School in the village of Chelopech, Vocational School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in the town of Pirdop, Savo Savov High School in the town of Pirdop, Nikola Dimov Vocational School of Tourism and Food Technology in the town of Pirdop, and Lyuben Karavelov Secondary School in the town of Koprivshtitsa.

The participants compete in two age groups: first age group – pupils in grades 5 – 7, and second age group – students in grades 8 – 12.

The competition categories are: applied arts, creative writing and fine arts.

We expect exciting ideas and projects demonstrating how students see:

Mine of the Future

  • Smart Factory
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Future
Machine of the Future
  • Worker of the Future
  • Industry 4.0 and Nature, etc
You can find more details about the topics, deadlines and awards here.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.