Geotechmin Group with donations to Bulgarian Red Cross for war victims in Ukraine
GEOTECHMIN GROUP and Prof. DSc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov are long-standing donors to the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) and support a wide range of humanitarian causes launched by the organisation. In May 2022, the Bulgarian Red Cross received a donation from GEOTECHMIN GROUP under Bulgarian Virtues Charity Programme. One of the Group’s companies – Geotrading AD donated a hand-operated electric stacker, which is used in BRC Central Warehouse in the village of Lozen. Currently, the warehouse collects all donations received by the Bulgarian Red Cross from institutions, companies and individuals, and then sends them to destitute people in Ukraine through the Ukrainian Red Cross or to Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria.
The donation was made in addition to BGN 250,000 support which four companies from the Group – Geotechmin OOD, Ellatzite-Med AD, Geostroy AD and Geotrading AD provided to the Bulgarian Red Cross after the outbreak of the war.
‘We have established strong partner relations with the Bulgarian Red Cross and support its numerous charitable activities. I hope that the donated electric stacker will help streamline BRC’s operations,’ said the Executive Director of Geotechmin OOD Mr Dominic Hamers when handing over the keys of the new electric stacker to Academician Hristo Grigorov, President of the Bulgarian Red Cross.
‘I would like to express my gratitude for the support rendered by GEOTECHMIN GROUP, our long-term partner. It is one more donation among the continuing support we have received from you over the years and it always comes at the right time,’ said Acad. Grigorov.
In January 2021, the BRC President Acad. Hristo Grigorov presented the Red Cross Honorary Badge and a special Certificate of Merit to Prof. DSc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov, President of Geotechmin OOD, in appreciation for his personal contribution to the humanitarian causes of the organisation. Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD are among the biggest corporate donors to the BRC.
GEOTECHMIN GROUP has a long-term partnership with the BRC, based on empathy and commitment to the organisation’s charitable causes, which will continue increasing its scope in the future.