GEOTECHMIN GROUP takes part in UMG Open Doors Day

GEOTECHMIN GROUP participated in the jubilee edition of the Open Doors Day at the University of Mining and Geology “St Ivan Rilski” (UMG). More than 1,200 high-school students from across the country and undergraduate students visited the Group’s booths to learn more about the internship and scholarship opportunities. Special guests at the booths of Ellatzite-Med AD and GEOTECHMIN GROUP were students enrolled in dual education classes at our partner schools – Todor Peev Secondary School in the town of Etropole and Agro-Technical Vocational High School in the town of Zlatitsa.
The Group’s companies Geotechmin, Ellatzite-Med, Geostroy, Geotrading and Patstroy-92 presented their current activities and 2023 Summer Internship Programmes. For this year, 9 companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP have announced 80 vacant internships, 30 of which are suitable for UMG students.
The companies’ business operations were presented by Mrs Antoaneta Georgieva – Human Resources Director at Geotechmin OOD, Mrs Milena Hristova – Human Resources Director at Ellatzite-Med AD, Mrs Daniela Goranova – Recruitment/Training and Qualification Manager at Ellatzite-Med AD, Mrs Todorka Vladimirova, Human Resources Director at Geostroy AD and Mr Aleksandar Kikerezov, Head of Human Resources Department at Geotrading AD.
‘It’s been a really worthwhile event. It will inspire children and provide students with a genuine insight into studying at the university and the opportunities they can gain for their future professional development,’ said Mrs Antoaneta Georgieva.
An entertaining quiz was prepared for the youngest visitors to find out how much they know about the mineral raw-materials industry, the construction sector and special-purpose equipment used by the specialists in these economic sectors. The children who answered correctly received incentive prizes.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.