Geotechmin conducted training for young experts from the Japanese MMTEC
For the second consecutive year, Geotechmin OOD has held a mentoring-training programme for young geologists from the Japanese company Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation (MMTEC). The completion of the training was celebrated with a solemn ceremony at the end of June 2019. It was conducted in the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between Prof. DSc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov, President of Geotechmin OOD and Mr. Hiroaki Anzai, President of the Japanese company MMTEC for providing technical skills transfer to young Japanese specialists.
In the course of one and a half months, the young geologists Yuusuke Kitagawa and Kosuke Ishiyama from MMTEC worked together with proven experts with long-standing experience in mining and exploration from Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD. The programme included theoretical and practical training in a real work environment on the territory of Ellatzite mine and the Flotation Complex in Mirkovo village. For MMTEC’s professionals, it was the first encounter with open-pit mining and processing of minerals. Their mentor was Vladislav Trashliev – an expert with a strong track record in mineral exploration and mine development and Director of Geology and Concessions Department in Geotechmin. His colleagues in collaboration with Ellatzite-Med’s specialists actively participated in the project making every effort to meet the high expectations of the Japanese partners.
This year again, the participants received certificates of successful completion of the training programme before they went back to Japan. They unanimously expressed their satisfaction with the training emphasizing that it had exceeded their expectations and they had been working with great pleasure to acquire valuable practical knowledge. Yuusuke Kitagawa and Kosuke Ishiyama extended their sincere gratitude to their mentors from Geotechmin OOD and Ellatzite-Med AD adding that if they were given an opportunity, they would be delighted to come back and work in Ellatzite mine.