Geotechmin completed the construction of a modern municipal landfill in Samokov
On 18 September 2015, a new municipal solid waste landfill was officially opened in Samokov. It was built under the expert guidance of Geotechmin OOD. In November 2014, Samokov Municipality and Geotechmin OOD signed a contract for implementation of the project Construction of a Regional Waste Management Centre Samokov – 1st Stage and External Infrastructure– which is part of the project for Construction of a Regional Waste Management System in the region of Kostenets (Samokov).
The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Programme Environment 2007-2013.
The new landfill and related infrastructure is the first of the three stages of the Regional Waste Management Centre for four municipalities – Samokov, Kostenets, Ihtiman and Dolna Banya. According to the project, the first cell for waste storage has a capacity of 10 years and after the cell is filled, the construction of the next two cells will proceed. The entire facility is surrounded by drain ditches and a green belt of various trees.
“This waste management project will solve one of the most significant environmental problems in Samokov. The four municipalities are building a centre in full compliance with European standards,” said Mr. Vladimir Georgiev, Mayor of Samokov at the inauguration ceremony.
“Geotechmin has already built several similar projects which are operating successfully. We have kept our promise and we are handing over this regional landfill to Samokov Municipality in time and according to all European requirements,” said Mr. Dominic Hamers, Executive Director of Geotechmin OOD. He handed the official Acceptance Certificate of the site to the Mayor of Samokov.
The Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Mr. Krassimir Zhivkov pointed out that on the same day – 18 September – the World Water Monitoring Day is celebrated. He emphasized that the project of the new regional landfill in Samokov is fully consistent with the required water quality preservation in the region. Mr. Krasimir Zhivkov congratulated the project teams for their good work and the municipalities which will benefit from the new landfill in the region of Samokov.
Among the official guests at the inauguration ceremony were the Governor of Sofia region Ms. Rositsa Ivanova, mayors, deputies to the National Assembly and experts.