First batch of students complete dual training at GEOTECHMIN GROUP

Two companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP – Ellatzite-Med and Geostroy celebrated the successful completion of dual vocational training to high school students from Zlatitsa Vocational High School in the town of Zlatitsa. In the course of two years, eight graduate students majoring in Motor Transport Equipment and Industrial Electrical Installations studied the profession in a real work environment under the guidance of qualified mentors from the two companies. The students achieved excellent results in the process of learning through work, feeling great satisfaction and demonstrating practical skills, knowledge and competencies. Their mentors, proven professionals from the two companies, were invariably by their side. Not only did the children gain valuable experience, but they also received helpful advice for their future professional development.
Four trainees from Zlatitsa Vocational High School will start work at Ellatzite-Med. ‘Your great work proves you are ready for a new beginning. Starting from next month, you will become part of Ellatzite-Med’s team,’ said M.Eng. Stoil Dimitrov, General Production Director at a special send-off event.
After graduating from high school, the students who completed practical training at Geostroy will continue on to higher education. During the send-off, they were presented with opportunities to further their professional development in the company as interns and scholarship students. Every year companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP announce internship and scholarship programmes for students from various universities.
The students received warm congratulations from the companies’ representatives as well as appreciation certificates and personalised gifts. The two companies and Zlatitsa Vocational High School will continue their partnership to implement the dual learning system. In the new 2023/2024 school year, Ellatzite-Med and Geostroy will welcome new groups of students who have chosen to start their career path while they are still in high school. Furthermore, Ellatzite-Med and Geotrading continue their partnership with Todor Peev Vocational High School in the town of Etropole under the project Support of Dual Learning System focused on increasing the qualification of students specializing in Road Construction Equipment and Electrical Installations.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.