Ellatzite-Med turned the first sod of MIAL QUARRY

On St. George’s Day, Ellatzite-Med AD turned the symbolic first sod of MIAL quarry located on the land of Mirkovo village, Sofia region. This groundbreaking ceremony celebrated the beginning of a project for extraction of non-metallic (industrial) minerals – dolomites. The event was attended by Mrs. Tsvetanka Yotina – Mayor of Mirkovo Municipality, Mrs. Sofia Torolova – District Governor of Sofia Region, Mr. Nikola Cholakov – Deputy Mayor of Benkovo village, Prof. Dr. Tzolo Voutov – President of Geotechmin OOD, Mr. Ivan Vutov, Executive Director of Geotrading AD as well as other representatives of the concessionaire and numerous guests.
The project envisages construction of a quarry for production of rock aggregates and crushed fractions through extraction and processing of dolomitized limestones. “Extraction works will be carried out using the open-pit method in accordance with the best practices in mining industry and with responsibility for protecting the environment,” said M.Eng. Dragomir Draganov, Executive Director of Ellatzite-Med AD. “Ellatzite-Med will develop their future activity in MIAL deposit in close cooperation with the local communities and business. In the course of production process, we will strive to create jobs by giving priority to local people or subcontractors,” he added.
Mrs. Tsvetanka Yotina, Mrs. Sofia Torolova and Prof. Dr. Tzolo Vutov addressed their congratulations and best wishes for success of the project. The event was celebrated with a water-blessing ceremony performed by the local priest Father Nikolay.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.