Ellatzite-Med and Geotechmin rewarded the winners in “My Homeland through My Eyes” competition

The regional competition “My Homeland through My Eyes. Who and What Am I Proud of in My Homeland History?” was carried out with the financial support of Ellatzite-Med and Geotechmin. The event ended in May 2015 by rewarding the winners from various age groups.
The competition started at seven schools in March 2015: “Hristo Yasenov” Secondary School and “Hristo Botev” Primary School in the town of Etropole, “Paisiy Hilendarski” Secondary School in the town of Zlatitsa, “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Primary School in the village of Chelopech, “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Primary School in the village of Chavdar, “Georgi Benkovski” Primary School in the village of Mirkovo and “Lyuben Karavelov” Secondary School in the town of Koprivshtitsa.
Students from 1st to 8th grade competed in the following categories: drawing, family tree, essay writing and poetry. Their task was to look closely into local customs, collect stories about heroes and heroic deeds, discover their beloved grandparents’ memories of their family and then draw or tell them. 292 students took part in the competition. Before the Day of Slavonic Alphabet, the winners received prizes and certificates, while the partnering schools received teaching aids and educational materials.
Bulgarian history has awakened young people’s curiosity, this fostering a sense of national pride. The purpose of “My Homeland through My Eyes” competition is to revive students’ interest in the history of their homeland. This competition is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility Programme of Ellatzite-Med and Geotechmin which is focused on the young generation in the regions where the companies are operating.


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