Dominic Hamers awards an outstanding student from Srednogorie
Geotechmin OOD supports the project Outstanding Students of Bulgaria organised by 24 Chasa Daily (the 24 Hours) which annually recognises talented students who have won prizes at Olympiads and other prestigious international competitions. By tradition, the newspaper awards them at a special ceremony on the eve of National Awakeners’ Day.
The Executive Director of Geotechmin OOD Mr Dominic Hamers awarded Samuil Mladenov from the town of Zlatitsa, a participant in national and international projects and a medalist at Olympiads in Bulgarian Language, English Language, Geography and Economics over the past years.
‘I am very happy to present this award for the second consecutive year to a representative of Srednogorie ˗ the region where Ellatzite-Med AD, a company from GEOTECHMIN GROUP, operates. Samuil has already started his university education in Blagoevgrad, but I would like to wish him not to break his bond with his hometown Zlatitsa and the Srednogorie region. I wish him to pass on his zest and persistence to other students in the region. Along with that, continue taking part in charitable causes, because doing good for others and the community can be deeply rewarding for you too. We must distinguish these children, encourage them to make the most of their abilities and stay in Bulgaria,’ said Mr Hamers upon presenting the award to Samuil Mladenov.
‘Don’t be afraid to have your own opinion. Don’t be afraid of expressing it. Follow your dreams,’ said the outstanding student from Zlatitsa. Samuil added that he is majoring Computer Science at AUBG in Blagoevgrad and comes back to his hometown to help students from his Secondary School “St Paisiy Hilendarski” to follow his path successfully and participate in English-language speech and debate tournaments.
‘50% of this year’s sixth batch of outstanding graduates will stay in Bulgaria,’ said Mrs Venelina Gocheva, Publisher of 24 Chasa Daily. In previous years, 80% of the awarded students had chosen to study at universities abroad.
The official award-giving ceremony was attended by the Minister of Education Prof. Sasho Penov and the Rector of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Prof. Anastas Gerdzhikov.