BRC awards gold medal to one of its most generous individual donors – Prof. Dsc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov

The Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) bestowed its highest honorary award ˗ a gold medal on Prof. DSc. Eng. Tzolo Voutov, President of Geotechmin OOD. Mr. Voutov received the award in recognition of his personal contribution to the organization’s humanitarian causes. The medal and a Certificate of Outstanding Contribution were handed out to him in the presence of the BRC’s National Council.
‘Prof. Tzolo Voutov is one of the biggest individual contributors to the Bulgarian Red Cross, a person with a very kind and generous heart. He has repeatedly supported the organisation in its efforts to help needy citizens throughout the country, victims of disasters and crises including people affected by the conflict in Ukraine,’ said the President of the Bulgarian Red Cross Academician Hristo Grigorov upon presenting the award.
Prof. Voutov expressed his sincere gratitude for the high honour to Acad. Grigorov, the National Council and all associates and volunteers in the organization who have been lending a helping hand to people in need. ‘I will continue to help in any case where and when support and solidarity are needed,’ said Prof. Vutov, adding that he was also extremely thankful to all Geotechmin’s employees, because without their hard work he wouldn’t have been able to support so many charitable causes.


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