Construction and infrastructure

Railway Track and Related Infrastructure in Koprivshtitsa – Stryama Interstation Section

Infrastructurno Stroitelstvo – Geostroy Consortium completed the construction and assembly works under the project Rehabilitation of the Railway Track, Related Facilities, Catenary and Power Supply Systems in Koprivshtitsa – Stryama Interstation Section from km 100+525 to km 106+337.

This is the first reconstruction of the longest railway tunnel on the Balkan Peninsula – Koznitsa Tunnel (5,812 m long), which has not been repaired for 50 years. In addition to the complete rehabilitation of the tunnel and the tunnel lining, the contract scope includes design.

National Railway Infrastructure Company
Infrastructurno Stroitelstvo – Geostroy Consortium
Project implementation period:
2019 - 2021


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.