Construction and infrastructure

Overbuilding of a New Fayalite Tailings Pond at Aurubis Bulgaria AD – Stage 3

The existing tailings pond of Aurubis Bulgaria AD has been used to deposit fayalite as a by-product formed during the flotation treatment of waste slags.

Geotechmin OOD together with Geostroy AD executed Stage 3 of the project Expansion of Fayalite Tailings Pond including overbuilding of the main dam wall to level 794 m and construction of all systems and elements ensuring the proper functioning of the facility.

In addition, repair works on the existing service roads were performed. New access roads were built as well as a service pathway along the dam crest and the berm.

Aurubis Bulgaria AD
Geotechmin OOD
Geostroy AD
Project implementation period:
2014 - 2015


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.