A new wastewater treatment facility was put into trial operation in Ellatzite mine

With an official ceremony on 5 September 2014 Ellatzite-Med AD launched technological trials of the new wastewater treatment facility on the territory of Ellatzite mine near Etropole.
The wastewater treatment facility was built by applying the design and technology of Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation (MMTEC). The adopted treatment method is innovative for Bulgaria. The Japanese company is a leader in the development of new industrial technologies, including purification of mine effluents. The implementation of such technology with the private investment of Ellatzite-Med is one of the most successful examples of business partnership between Bulgarian and Japanese companies.
The ceremony was attended by Dipl. Eng. Bogomil Georgiev, Mayor of Etropole Municipality, H.E. Mr. Takashi Koizumi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Bulgaria, Mr. Yoshiaki Inaba, President of MMTEC and other officials. The event started with a water blessing ritual performed by the Right Reverend Gavriil, Metropolitan of Lovech. After the ribbon cutting, the guests drank sake according to a Japanese custom for wishing good luck with the project. All guests were greeted with a short folklore programme performed by amateur dance groups from Todor Peev 1871 Community Centre, Etropole Municipality. The ceremony ended with a viewing tour around the treatment facility.
The construction of the new wastewater treatment facility is one of the most significant projects under the Environment Protection and Recovery Programme for the Region of Ellatzite Deposit for 2010 – 2014. It is part of a wastewater management system of hydrotechnical facilities, which is to be completed in 2017.
After the facility is put into regular exploitation, the condition of the Malak Iskar River will be improved in the discharge area of the treated water.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.