A new health centre and free medical check-ups commence with the support of Geotechmin Group in the village of Chavdar

A new health centre opened doors in the village of Chavdar (14 June) to carry out free preventive check-ups for local citizens. It was made with funds donated under Bulgarian Virtues Charity Programme according to a framework agreement on the implementation of socially significant projects. The agreement was signed between the municipality and the four companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP – Geotechmin OODEllatzite-Med ADGeotrading AD и Geostroy AD. Тhe investment includes reconstruction and furnishing of a section of the ground floor premises in the post office buiding.
The official inauguration ceremony was attended by Mr Grigor Daulov – Mayor of Chavdar Municipality, Mrs Maria Tomeva – Chairperson of the Municipal Council, M.Eng. Stoil Dimitrov – General Director Production at Ellatzite-Med AD, representatives of the municipality and the four donor companies from GEOTECHMIN GROUP, municipal councilors, municipal administrative officers, and residents of Chavdar village.
Mayor Grigor Daulov expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Dr. Tzolo Voutov and the other donors for their support during these hard and unprecendented times of the Covid-19 pandemic. ‘In 2020, we were reminded: it is the intrinsic value of human life that unites us. When we discussed which projects were going to be implemented in 2021 under Bulgarian Virtues Charity Programme of GEOTECHMIN GROUP, we naturally came to the decision to provide free medical check-ups and a place where to carry them out,’ he said and briefly described all phases of the project – from the formation of a special committee to the timely execution of construction works and complete furnishing of the centre.
Immediately after the opening ceremony, the new health centre started operating by giving free preventive medical check-ups by an ophthalmologist. The eye exams will continue to be performed until 16 July 2021 under a special healthcare programme organized by the municipality. The programme also includes other preventive care tests by specialists. All health exams and tests will be paid by the donor companies under the Bulgarian Virtues initiative.


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