36 students start Summer Internships at Ellatzite-Med AD

Ellatzite-Med, part of GEOTECHMIN GROUP, launched its Summer Internship Programme 2021. On 1 July 2021, the Flotation Complex in Mirkovo village welcomed 36 interns – students from various universities in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as Ellatzite-Med’s scholarship students from the University of Mining and Geology “St Ivan Rilski”. This is the 10th internship programme organized by the company, which is one of the country’s largest employers aiming to attract young people with its socially responsible policy and prospective job opportunities.
Students will do their internship on Ellatzite-Med’s two production sites: the Mine Complex and the Flotation Complex where they will put into practice their academic knowledge and acquire valuable professional skills. The internship is paid, with flexible duration – between one and three months, depending on the interns’ abilities and preferences. By providing an opportunity to practise in a real work environment and under the guidance of highly qualified mentors, the company helps young people find their career path. Furthermore, students become familiar with the company’s success in integrating digital technologies in all areas of its production operations.
‘Welcome to our company, part of GEOTECHMIN GROUP and one of the biggest and socially responsible employers. I strongly believe that here you will get an excellent opportunity to develop your potential, improve your professional skills and gain valuable on-the-job experience,’ said Mrs Milena Hristova, Human Resources Manager at Ellatzite-Med in her welcoming speech to the interns during the opening ceremony.
In the multifunctional hall of the Flotation Complex, Mrs Daniela Goranova – Recruitment/Training and Qualification Manager, and Mariana Vateva – Staff Selection/Training and Qualification Expert introduced the programme to the students on their first internship day and acquainted them with their mentors. M.Eng. Tsvetan Dilov – Chief Expert at Production and Technical Department showed the interns around the production sites where they will practice and excel their skills.
The students said that they are highly motivated to work at Ellatzite’s mine sites and gain firsthand experience in this forefront mining company.
‘I lived in Seattle for 10 years. Now I am a student at the University of Mining and Geology, majoring in Automation. I am going to do my internship in one of the company’s most interesting departments: Investigation of New Metal Extraction Technologies,’ said Vladimir Grebchev and added, ‘Your company is very large, constantly evolving and giving the Bulgarian industry a positive image around the world.’
Nikoleta Negoykova has been undergoing her second internship at Ellatzite-Med AD. ‘When I was doing my first internship in 2019, I met a lot of first-class professionals, amazing people and I learned plenty of new things. That’s why I decided to come back this year, too,’ said Nicoleta who will be trained in Staff Selection, Training and Qualification Department.
‘I learned about the internship programme from the Career Centre at the University of Mining and Geology, from my parents and I think that the experience I will gain here will benefit me in many ways,’ said Ivaylo Georgiev, a second-year student at the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”. ‘I am going to do my first internship here and I am very ambitious. I am from Etropole and for me Ellatzite-Med is a valuable opportunity to perfect my knowledge and professional development. I would like to work here for the benefit of Ellatzite and the region. I will be trained in the Geotechnical Department in the Mine Complex.’
Another prospective intern who has joined the programme this year is Mladen Georgiev majoring in Drilling, Extraction and Transportation of Oil and Natural Gas. ‘I expect to gain more knowledge and practical experience,’ said Mladen. He is also convinced that the company provides plenty of opportunities for professional advancement and career growth.
Nikoleta Chetyova, a student at Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, has chosen Ellatzite-Med for her internship because she firmly believes that the company gives an excellent chance for a successful start in the sphere of public communications.
To this day, more than 250 young people have joined the Summer Internship Programme of Ellatzite-Med, of whom more than 50 interns have signed full-time employment contracts with the company.


A private company with over 30-year history, which has implemented some of the most successful and significant projects in the mining industry, industrial construction, road infrastructure and environmental protection in Bulgaria.